Our Rav
Our Rav & Rebbetzin : צאתכם לשלום
Rav Shimon Winegarten שליט"א was born in London during Teves 1949 and raised in Hampstead Garden Suburb. As a child his father regularly took him to daven in the Shtibel of the Premishlaner Rebbe TZ"L situated nearby in the suburb. After 40 years as the rav of BLBH, he and the Rebbetzin are making Aliyah in the Summer. |
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The Rov was educated at the Menorah Primary School and Carmel College, where he was a conscientious student in both Torah and secular studies. He gained a scholarship to read History at Oxford University. On hearing of the Rov's desire to attend "Talmudical College" the don who interviewed him at Oxford and offered him a place, remarked perceptively "The world is full of History professors, but religious leaders are few and far between". The Rov internlised that message and never took up the place.
The Rov's Deroshos and Shiurim, both for men and ladies are invariably direct, penetrating and thought provoking. His twice daily Daf Yomi Shiur invariably drew a large and impressive audience including a significant cluster of Talmidei Chachomim. All are stimulated by the Rov's erudition and linguistic fluency, his insicive powers of Talmudic analysis and wry sense of humour.
The Rov's pastoral endeavours, especially in the direction of helping and comforting those in need, are selfless and unceasing. Many people will testify to the countless hours that he and the Rebbetzen have spent assisting and advising them with particular family difficulties often at the considerable expense of their own personal time and need for relaxation. In contrast, the Rov and Rebbetzen treat every Simcha in the Kehilloh as their own personal celebration and have been a binding force in the moulding of Bridge Lane into a veritable family of families.
The Rov's reputation as a Talmid Chochom is well established. He receives Shaylos from men and women not just within the Kehilloh but also from much further afield. He is often called upon to particpate in hearing Dinei Torah at the UOHC North West London Beis Din and is a duty Rov at the Beis Horo-oh in Golders Green.
Bridge Lane and the wider Kehilah have indeed fortunate have been the beneficiaries of the leadership of Rabbi and Rebbetzen Winegarten. May they always be blessed with good health, nachas and simchas in their family in ירושלים
At the farewell reception for the Rav and Rebbetzin, which took place on 14th July, the Rav spoke with great feeling about his 40 years in BLBH. His farewell drasha is below
Sun, 16 February 2025
18 Shevat 5785
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